Difference between a user and a schema in Oracle?
In Oracle, a user and a schema are related but distinct concepts. A user is a specific account created and managed by a database administrator (DBA). Each user has a unique name and password and can be granted various system privileges, such as creating tables, views, and procedures. Users can also be given roles, which are collections of privileges.

On the other hand, a schema is a collection of database objects (such as tables, views, and procedures) that are logically grouped together. Each schema is associated with a specific user and is owned by that user. The schema's owner is the user with the right to create and manage the objects within the schema.

When a user is created, a default schema with the same name as the user is also created. The user owns this default schema, and the user has full privileges to create and manage objects within the schema.

Here is an example of the relationship between a user and a schema in Oracle:
  • A DBA creates a user named "User1."
  • A default schema named "User1" is also created and is owned by "User1."
  • "User1" can create tables, views, and procedures in the "User1" schema
  • "User1" can also be granted access to other schemas in the database and can access the objects within those schemas.
It's worth noting that a user can own multiple schemas, and a schema can be owned by multiple users. Oracle also allows the creation of public schema; this schema can be accessed by all users who have been granted access.